Monday, December 31, 2007


Seriously, it's bad enough with the creepy white guys stalking us, but when our own Asian men blame US for what happens? That's fucked up. (At least one person is closer to the truth than the rest.)

And btw, despite the fact that I hate Creepy Weeaboos And Fucked-In-The-Head Guys, these "non-traitor" guys are all fucking racist and sexist hypocrites. When a woman does it, she's a"sellout whore", but not when a man does it, huh? Maybe that woman rejected you, because you're a loser then, not because she judges Asian men. (Although the women who do, like any person who dates because of race is f*ing stupid)

Well, I guess is just a racist forum, I guess. *sigh* However, "Makoto" summed up my feelings exactly.

Oh and p.s. God...please plague this loser.

P.P.S, sorry for all the links. ^^; Blogspot is shit with just posting raw links.

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